Higgs bundles and their spectral data have had applications in different research areas of mathematics and physics, and these series of Workshops bring together people working on areas tangential to Higgs bundles to learn and teach about novel methods that could be applied in a broad set up.
The meeting is the fourth in the series:
"Website for the series of meetings"
The series of workshops has been presented in cooperation with the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) and supports the Non-Discrimination Statement of AWM..
Support provided by the SCGP, and Laura Schaposnik's
NSF grant DMS-1509693, NSF CAREER Award DMS 1749013:
and UIC' Start-Up funds
For any questions regarding the meeting, please email
Laura Schaposnik at schapos@uic.edu.
Title: Mirror Symmetry of Fibrations in Toric Hypersurface Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Title: Stratifications and coarse moduli spaces for the stack of Higgs bundles
Title: The Hodge conjecture for moduli spaces of stable sheaves on a general nodal curve
Title: The geometry of quasi-Hitchin symplectic Anosov representations
The talks will take place at the at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA.
1. Lara Anderson, Virginia Tech .
2. Panagiotis Angelinos, University of Toronto
3. Caleb Ashley,University of Michigan.
4. Rodrigo Barbosa, University of Pennsylvania .
5. Ben Brown, University of Edinburgh .
6. Tudor Ciobanu, Stony Brook University .
7. Emily Cliff, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign .
8. Wei Cui, Virginia Tech .
9. Peter Gothen, University of Porto .
10. Eloise Hamilton, University of Oxford .
11. Siqi He, SCGP
12. Pedram Hekmati, University of Auckland
13. Yu-Chien Huang, MIT .
14. Max Hubner, University of Oxford .
15. Saebyeok Jeong, YITP, Stony Brook .
16. Ljudmila Kamenova, Stony Brook University .
17. Mohsen Karkheiran, Virginia Tech .
18. Inder Kaur, IMPA
19. Omar Kidwai, University of Toronto .
20. Muyang Liu, Univerisity of Pennsylvania .
21. Matthew Magill, Uppsala University .
22. Sara Maloni, University of Virginia .
23. Ruxandra Moraru, University of Waterloo
24. Paul Oehlmann, Virginia Tech .
25. Marielle Ong, University of Pennsylvania .
26. Natalie Paquette, Caltech .
27. Rui Prezado, Universidade do Porto (FCUP).
28. Alexander Quintero Velez , Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
29. Surya Raghavendran, Perimeter Institute .
30. Nikhil Raghuram, Virginia Tech .
31. Steven Rayan, University of Saskatchewan
32. Thomas Rochais, University of Pennsylvania .
33. Francesco Sala, Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo
34. Laura Schaposnik , UIC .
35. Thorsten Schimannek, University of Vienna .
36. Michael Schultz, Utah State University .
37. Sebastian Schulz, University of Texas .
38. Muhammad Shehper, University of Texas at Austin .
39. Tao Su, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris .
40. Cigole Thomas, George Mason University .
41. Misha Verbitsky, IMPA.
42. Yi Wang, Stony Brook University .
43. Juntao Wang, Virginia Tech .
44. Hao Zhang, University of Pennsylvania .
The workshop will take place at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA.
More details will be sent to registered participants closer to the date of the meeting.
We expect all accepted participants to have lodging covered by the workshop.
Wifi: Participants will be able to use Eduroam at the SCGP, and hotels will have Free Wifi.
With support from:
- Laura Schaposnik's NSF CAREER Award DMS 1749013;
- Laura Schaposnik's NSF Grant DMS 1509693;
- Simons Center for Geometry and Physics;
- UIC Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Department.