These days are part of series of the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM). For more than twenty years Sonia Kovalevsky Days have been organized and sponsored by AWM and held at colleges and universities throughout the country. Sonia Kovalevsky Days (SK Days) consist of a program of workshops, talks, and problem-solving competitions for female high school and middle school students and their teachers, both women and men.
Material for Sonia Kovalevsky days.
9. Billiards, with James A. Unwin (2018).
8. Non-orientable surfaces, with James A. Unwin (2018).
7. Sphere packing, with James A. Unwin (2018).
6. Non Transitive Dice, with James A. Unwin (2017).
5. Sums of Dice, with James A. Unwin (2017).
4. The Mony Hall Problem, with James A. Unwin (2017).
3. Graph Coloring, with James A. Unwin (2016).
2. Knots, with James A. Unwin (2016).
1. Bridges of Konigsberg, with James A. Unwin (2016).
Register here:
he UIC chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) held its third Sonia Kovalevsky Math Day for high school girls (8th - 12th grade). The AWM provides fun activities, lunches, shirts, and mathematical prizes for the girls!
The UIC chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) held its second Sonia Kovalevsky Math Day for high school girls (8th - 12th grade). The AWM provides fun activities, lunches, shirts, and mathematical prizes for the girls!
The UIC chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) will hold its first Sonia Kovalevsky Math Day for high school girls (8th - 12th grade). The AWM provides fun activities, lunches, shirts, and mathematical prizes for the girls!
The growth of snow crystals is dependent on the temperature and saturation of the environment. By defining two new variables, growth latency and growth direction, our improved model gives a realistic model not only for dendrite but also for plate forms.
Icosahedral virus capsids are composed of symmetrons, organized arrangements of capsomers. In the present paper we incorporate disymmetrons to obtain a geometric classification of icosahedral viruses formed by regular penta-, tri-, and disymmetrons.
Symmetries in nature have been long studied by mathematicians, and in this project we shall be looking at particular cases of natural symmetries: the ones appearing in viral infections....
We develop a trust model which when considered together with bootstrap percolation, allows one to study ways in which gossip (and fake news) spread in social networks.